‧27,944 萬公里
Youth for Human Rights World Educational Tour 2012, in honor of the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012), circled the globe 27,944 miles to countries including Cameroon, Ethiopia, Japan, Liberia, Mexico, Taiwan, Togo and the USA.
The purpose of YHRI is to teach youth about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance and peace. The UDHR was signed into existence in 1948 and the United Nations General Assembly called upon all member countries "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories." Unfortunately, in more than six decades, very few people have heard about this important document or know what their human rights and responsibilities are.
Mary Shuttleworth, Ed.D., founder and president of YHRI, has led the annual global outreach project circling the globe each year since 2004, visiting approximately 80 countries and meeting with youth, educators, community leaders, and legislators as well as various dignitaries, including kings, heads of government and officials of the United Nations and Commonwealth of Nations to promote the implementation of Human Rights Education.
Scouts in Coyoacan learned that rights and responsibilities go hand-in-hand. The red carpet rolled out at the Cinepolis Plaza Carso, Mexico City, and Paulina Gaitan, followed by several other celebrities, officials, students and the media rolled in! At the movie gala: The film Trade was followed by Adrian Alonso Barona announcing the release of the Artists United for Human Rights booklet featuring celebrities, models and more, sponsored by the Mexican Institute of Youth. Hundreds participated in a community event in Jalalpa, Alvaro Obregón. Celebrity Spokesperson, Ana La Salvia, brought the news to national TV followed by a burst of media to millions.
In partnership with the Minister of Youth & Sports, as announced on UNMIL Radio, we met with groups including the Federation of Liberian Youth and YMCA. A presentation was held in the ELWA Community. Officials including former Attorney General and Chief Justice of Liberia Cllr. Johnson-Morris, as well as the New Georgia Baptist Church, congratulated Monrovia born and raised Joseph Jay Yarsiah, who received the "Excellence in Service Award" for his work as YHRI Sub-Saharan African Director (2005 – 2012). Mayor Mary Broh welcomed the team at the Monrovia City Hall. A modest donation was made during an event in Bensonville City at an orphanage sponsored by Ambassador Nathaniel Barnes.
在青年體育會會長的合作下,我們在ELWA社區舉行的會議上,與利比亞青年聯盟跟YMCA一同開會,這個訊息經由UNMIL電台發佈。來賓包括前總檢察長、利比亞終審法院首席法官Cllr.Johnson-Morris,以及新喬治亞浸信會的Joseph Jay Yarsiah。出生於Monrovia的 Joseph Jay Yarsiah,因擔任YHRI非洲撒哈拉以南地區的主任(2005 – 2012)而得到「卓越服務獎」。Monrovia市長Mary Broh也在市政大樓裡接待整個團隊。在Bensonville市的一家孤兒院所舉辦的活動中,Nathaniel Barnes大使亦捐助了一筆款項。
In partnership with the Togo based non-profit association, Viva Togo, we were received at the Royal Palace of His Excellency Chief Adzalle as well as His Excellency Chief Noukafou and graciously invited to a traditional meal. The delegation including youth from Benin, Liberia, Togo and Ivory Coast participated in workshops and events focused on Human Rights Education. Following several meetings with key government officials, a donation was made during a small event at the SOS Village d'enfants where children greeted the delegation and performed several songs while fellow students beat traditional African drums.
In partnership with the African Centre for Democracy and Governance and the Cameroon Network of Human Rights organizations, we visited some key governmental as well as non-governmental organizations. A representative of the National Commission of Human Rights and Freedom addressed the participants of our conference at the Norbert Kenne Memorial Peace House. The following day, the Sub-Saharan African Director for Youth for Human Rights International, Joseph Jay Yarsiah, conducted a workshop for participants including government representatives, human rights NGOs, educators and civil society leaders.
我們與民主和管理的非洲中心以及喀麥隆人權網絡組織合作,走訪了喀麥隆一些重要的政府機關與非政府組織。國家人權自由委員會的代表在參加我們於Kenne和平紀念之家舉辦的會議時也有發表演講。隔天,國際人權組織非洲部沙哈拉以南地區的青年部主任Joseph Jay Yarsiah也為政府代表,人權組織教育者和民間社會領導人舉辦了一個研討會。
In partnership with the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, we met with officials and civil society including the Convergence of Cultures team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Youth for Human Rights, through its local chapter, organized a workshop for youth leaders in the country and provided resources for developing the structure of the institution, among others. A highlight was the YHRI educational flyer summarizing the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights released in Amharic. Other translations in many local languages are in progress.
與衣索比亞人權事務委員會的合作中,我們與政府官員以及文化會等社會團體在衣索比亞的首都 阿地斯阿貝巴會面。人權組織的青年部透過其他本地分會成立了一個研討會,指導此國的青年領導者建立完整的組織架構。其中一項重點是將YHRI的教育傳單,以衣索比亞的官方語言Amharic,對聯合國的世界人權宣言作了概述。而且其他本土的語言翻譯也在陸續進行中。
In Taipei, junior high and high school students participated in Human Rights Education workshops. Meetings were held with officials at the Taipei and Taichung City Halls. Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou welcomed the world tour team in his stately Presidential Office. Officials from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Interior were included in the Presidential delegation. The news spread fast resulting in several media announcements within a few short hours.
Asakusa and Zoujoji Temples were proud contrasts to the modern Roppongi Hills Center and the Tokyo tower where the group enjoyed the culture as well as Japanese delicacies. The Shibaurarikyu Building in Tokyo was the perfect setting for the conference co-hosted by the Human Rights Times. Non-governmental organizations, the private sector, film directors, religious leaders and civil society gathered to discuss issues such as Human Trafficking and collaborated on implementing Human Rights Education. Celebrity choreographer, Yukihide Nakamura, showcased several talented youth performers during our celebration event at the EXIA studio.
我們的團體在淺草、増上寺的廟宇,搭配現代的六本木新城森大廈及東京塔,感受到日本的文化也享受了當地的美食。東京的芝浦利久大樓是一個舉辦人權會議的完美地點。非政府組織、私營機構、影片導演、宗教領袖和公民社會聚在一起,討論販運人口和人權教育的合作議題。名舞蹈家Yukihide Nakamura在EXIA攝影棚內,指導數名年青舞者,在慶祝活動上展現他們的舞蹈天賦。
United States of America
Pacific Island dancers welcomed the guests with a traditional Hawaiian luau at the Grand Finale hosted at the Los Angeles Church of Scientology Community Center. The Scouts led the proceedings. YHRI Executives and Board Members welcomed the youth delegates from countries including Japan, Liberia, Mexico, and Taiwan. The mural by Art Miles Mural Project was unveiled following a powerful youth production. Celebrity spokespeople such as Diego Verdaguer, shared messages from local mayors, council members and congress people as well as international dignitaries such as King Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II of Ghana.
太平洋島嶼的舞者在洛杉磯山達基教會的社區中心,跳著傳統的夏威夷舞蹈歡迎賓客。表演的過程由童子軍來帶領。YHRI的長官們和董事會歡迎來自各個國家的青年代表,其中包含日本、利比亞、墨西哥和台灣。在展示了年青人充滿活人的藝術作品之後,接著由藝術萬里行計畫展示了壁畫。名代言人,Diego Verdaguer,帶來了當地市長、議會成員、國際政要如迦納Osabarimba Kwesi Atta二世等人的重要訊息。
Reaching Millions
The YHRI World Educational Tour 2012 reached thousands of students as well as elected officials, judiciary, law enforcement, and educators as well as community and religious leaders, while the media promoted our message of Human Rights Education, to millions more.
Many Thanks
Thanks to the hundreds of dedicated volunteers who donated their time, talents and resources and made this tour a success. We now have new collaborations, partnerships and groups formed. Together we are building strong foundations for Human Rights Education upon which we must continue to build.
"Human rights, because it's right!"
– Dr. Mary Shuttleworth
International Summit
Youth Country Delegates from 30 countries are preparing to discuss important issues with dignitaries, officials and leaders, focusing on the vital role of Human Rights Education, during this year's upcoming annual International Human Rights Summit to be held in the late summer.
– Mary Shuttleworth博士