藉由宣導聯合國所訂定的「世界人權宣言」,讓青少年、甚至一般民眾瞭解他們所擁有的基本權利,使社會各層面能夠將這30條基本權利落實在生活中,建立一個民主、自由、理性的社會。這個部份,將透過中華國際人權促進會的設立,來與國際青少年人權協會(Youth for Human Rights International)的相關活動接軌,目標是要求落實世界人權宣言,使人權在全球實現。


Human Rights Hero Award Given for Art Miles Mural Project
 "This idea started when I was working with orphans in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina.
They created a mural on a bullet-riddled sheet.
It was there that I decided to initiate, facilitate, and create a 'mural movement'…
The project so far has visually documented the voices of hundreds of thousands of participant from over 125 countries.
Because it has no language, religion, or political barriers, it is a real tool for peace building."    – Joanne Tawfilis
正因為它沒有語言、宗教或政治上的障礙,它是一個真正的和平推手。」 – Joanne Tawfilis
An Art Miles Mural Project is displayed at the YHRI 8th Annual International Human Rights Summit
as Joanne Tawfilis receives her Human Rights Hero Award
Joanne Tawfilis, Founding Executive Director of the Art Miles Mural Project, was one of five humanitarians presented with the 2011 Human Rights Hero Award at the Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) 8th Annual International Human Rights Summit in Geneva. The Art Miles Mural Project works to guarantee the rights of others and to promote peace by forwarding human rights education through art. Mrs. Tawfilis has enabled children from countries throughout the world to learn about human rights by painting murals.
Mrs. Joanne Tawfilis, Founding Executive Director of
the Art Miles Mural Project, receives a Human Rights Hero Award from Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, YHRI President
Mrs. Tawfilis joined youth delegates from 30 countries, United Nations representatives, human rights NGOs, and leaders of civil and government organizations at the YHRI Human Rights Summit. With the United Nations estimating $7 billion dollars is generated by human trafficking annually, with 700,000 to 4 million women and children sold into forced prostitution, labor and other forms of exploitation each year, human rights education has never been more urgent.
High school student mural artists stand proudly in front of the human rights mural they created, along with their two teachers including lead mural project teacher Dr. Melanie Andrews, second from right. Dr. Fouad Tawfilis is at far right,
and Mrs. Joanne Tawfilis holds the certificate honoring the
Art Miles Mural Project, presented by President of
Youth for Human Rights International, Dr. Mary Shuttleworth
At the YHRI World Educational Tour 2012 Grand Finale in Los Angeles, Joanne Tawfilis' Art Miles Mural Project was honored for the extraordinary accomplishment of bringing a passionate and colorful movement that recognizes the power of art to move and educate people. Students from the Washington Preparatory School of Performing Arts created a 10-foot long Art Miles Mural Project mural for the event with Mrs. Tawfilis. Dr. Melanie Andrews, the teacher who led this school mural project, is a theatre director and past Multicultural Drama Teacher of the Year and also worked with these students to create a very moving and powerful music and dance performance that impinged strongly on the audience. Their Art Miles Mural was unveiled following this youth production.
在洛杉磯舉辦的2012 YHRI世界教育巡迴賽總決賽中,塔菲尼斯女士的百里延綿壁畫行動成就非凡,它是一個充滿熱情,而且多彩多姿的運動,這股運動使人們認識藝術的力量,而這股力量足以感化人們、教育大眾。來自華盛頓籌備表演藝術學校的學生跟隨著塔菲尼斯女士,完成了一幅10英尺長的百里壁畫。他們的指導教授梅拉妮安德魯斯博士是一個劇場總監,而且擔任過多元文化戲劇的年度教師,她也與這些學生共同創作出震撼且感人的音樂和富有衝擊力的舞蹈表演。他們的百里綿延壁畫也在熱血努力後亮相。
 In Bosnia, Mrs. Tawfilis directed the Women of Srebrenica Program – an experience that changed her life. It was there that she worked with the widows of 10,000 missing men and implemented reconciliation, small business and micro enterprise projects. In her spare time, she taught art lessons to 350 orphans in Tuzla where her heart was stricken with a new sense of purpose: "Healing hearts through art" with children and youth; thus the birth of the Art Miles Mural Project.
"What comes to mind when you think your basic human rights are violated?" asked Mrs. Tawfilis. "Exile…torture, imprisonment, starvation, suffering, beating, child labor, trafficking, kidnappings, no education, lack of dignity, refugee centers, camps, no water, being attacked, rape, murder, no shoes, becoming a slave, being captured and tortured, going to jail without a trial, being arrested, hiding from rebels and attackers, homeless, being attacked, bombed, shot at, forced to leave your home, not being allowed to leave the country or seek asylum, being forced to marry, being persecuted because of religious beliefs, not being able to state your opinion or express yourself, share ideas; not being able to gather together or demonstrate, being forced to join an association or the military, not being able to vote, no available health facilities and benefits or social services, racial discrimination, prohibition and lack of artistic expression, barbarous acts, oppression….fear…."
塔菲尼斯女士曾問:「如果你的基本人權被侵犯,你第一件想到的事是什麼?」 「流亡… 酷刑,監禁,飢餓,痛苦,毆打,童工,拐賣,綁架,缺乏受教權,缺乏尊嚴,難民中心,營地,水荒,被攻擊,強姦,殺人,赤腳,奴役,逮捕,未經審判的牢獄之災和折磨,坐牢,逃離反叛者和攻擊者,無家可歸,被攻擊,轟炸,槍擊,被迫離開家園卻不被允許離開該國或尋求庇護,被逼婚,因宗教信仰受到迫害,缺乏言論自由權,缺乏集會自由,被迫加入任何協會或軍隊,缺乏投票權,缺乏可利用的衛生設施和社會福利,種族歧視,禁令,缺乏藝術表現,野蠻暴行,壓迫… 恐懼…“
Mrs. Tawfilis then asked, "What has Art Miles done to forward Human Rights in our local and global communities?" and explained her work: "We have used all kinds of art forms that have helped endure, tolerate, resolve, and promote a Culture of Peace! Including drawing, painting, music, dance, performance, writing, poetry, sculpting, photography, design, film making, journalism, multimedia communication, cultural programs, languages, visual arts, creativity or ARTIVISM …in refugee shelters, schools, clubs, organizations, public parks, auditoriums, hotels, on the streets, homeless shelters, villages, towns and cities…through exchange programs, connecting through internet, in museums, galleries, hospitals, senior centers, tents and collective centers and by partnering with hundreds of organizations such as Youth for Human Rights!"
Art Miles Mural Project – The Beginning
The Art Miles Mission is to process, conceptualize and build consensus through the arts with the goal of building a foundation for sustainable education and cultural awareness and raising the next generation who understand and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and social issues that impact their lives and the lives of others. This is done through "artivism" or art forms that involve "teaching peace," By combining the efforts of children and adults worldwide and creating large five by twelve foot hand painted murals on canvas, the Art Miles Mural Project actively supports a "Culture of Peace." www.artmiles.org
Some of Art Miles accomplishments are over 4,000 murals completed by June 2010, from 125 Countries and with more than one-half million participants from 125 countries. There have been at least 150 major exhibitions including major renowned museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City; at major world cultural heritage sites ranging from the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico, to locations including Japan, Austria, France, Italy, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and the Incheon International Airport in South Korea.
"We created 4,000 murals on canvas… one-half million people, 125 countries, International Intercultural Mural Exchange Program (IIME), 43,000 pairs of Art Miles Shoes of Hope, MUSAIC, Miles of Music, Spoken Word, International Youth Film Festival, 150 major exhibitions, sending murals to those in need of cheer, e.g.: Sendai, Beslan, 911 victims, Joplin, Missouri, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Northern Ireland, the Rain Forest, Chiapas, Mexico, Egyptian street children, street gangs, homeless shelters, demonstrators in Tiananmen and Tahrir Square," said Mrs. Tawfilis.
塔菲尼斯女士說:「我們創作了四千幅帆布壁畫…五十萬人、125個國家、國際跨文化壁畫交流任務、4萬3千雙百里延綿希望之鞋、MUSAIC、百里綿延音樂、Spoken Word、國際青春影展、150場大展覽、將壁畫送給需要鼓舞的人、如仙台、貝斯藍、911受難者、密蘇里州的喬普林、波斯尼亞、科索沃、車臣、北愛爾蘭、雨林地區、墨西哥的恰帕斯州、埃及無家可歸的孩子、街頭幫派、難民所、天安門廣場和塔利爾廣場的示威者。」
Art Miles Shoes of Hope
Art Miles is a consistent participant in United Nations and other world youth conferences and was a major feature during the recent UNESCO 2nd World Conference on Arts Education, Seoul, Korea. Art Miles continues expanding the project and has established the International Intercultural Mural Exchange (IIME) program where two schools in two countries create one mural together by meeting each other and designing a mural through video conferencing. 
Major awards and recognition have been bestowed to the Art Miles Project by the Superintendent of Schools, California, U.S. Department of Education, Japan Ministry of Education, Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt and Culture Wheel, Cairo, Egypt, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs (May 2009 Featured Project), TED Women Conference December 2010, University of California Irvine, Legacy Program, Bob Marley Peace Award, International Committee of Artists for Peace, Oprah Winfrey "Women Rule" and Oprah Magazine, Ron Kovic Peace Award, and the My Hero Annual Peace Award, to name but a few.
此計畫獲得各方認可及獎項,包括美國加州的學校監察部、美國教育部、日本教育廳、亞歷山大、埃及開羅文化中心、美國能源部國家教育局、文化事務局(2009年5月),2010年TED婦女會議、加州大學歐文分校,鮑勃‧馬利和平獎、國際和平藝術家委員會、奧普拉的「婦女統治」和奧普拉雜誌、Ron Kovic和平獎和年度英雄和平獎等。
Joanne Tawfilis is a retired United Nations Diplomatic level executive and held several distinguished posts in her award-winning career. She is the Founding Executive Director of the Art Miles Mural Project (MURAMID), Miles of Music, MUSAIC and Art Miles Shoes of Hope. She is also a senior board member with the United Nations Association USA San Diego, and Director of International Relations with the Endangered Planet Foundation in Laguna Beach, California. She is well known for lending her career diplomatic skills to the U.S. government, the United Nations Environment Program in Nairobi, the International Atomic Energy Agency in Austria and the U.S. Embassy in Austria Protocol office.


譯者:彰化師範大學 英語系 葉儒錞 同學 
   彰化師範大學 英語系 黃尉豪 同學
