藉由宣導聯合國所訂定的「世界人權宣言」,讓青少年、甚至一般民眾瞭解他們所擁有的基本權利,使社會各層面能夠將這30條基本權利落實在生活中,建立一個民主、自由、理性的社會。這個部份,將透過中華國際人權促進會的設立,來與國際青少年人權協會(Youth for Human Rights International)的相關活動接軌,目標是要求落實世界人權宣言,使人權在全球實現。

亞太青少年人權高峰會 第五屆 Landnewsmarket大地新聞


Asia-Pacific Youth for Human Rights Summit come into the fifth, held in the LE MIDI Hotel,Taiwan, on the 27th, April. The aim is to enhance the universal value of human rights and promote the cultural exchange of youth.

There are quite a number of countries participating in Taiwan, and there are also discussions on children's and youth human rights issues around the world.

Dr. Mary Shuttleworth,Founder & President Youth for Human Rights International, says:

The campus bullying issue in Taiwan is to discuss quite a number of issues.

Dr. Mary Shuttleworth says:

LI LI YU,the LE MIDI Hotel president, says:
Can see these children because of human rights education, cultivate, and gradually become more attention to other people's human rights, but also pay more attention to their responsibilities and obligations, so that society becomes better, more valuable and meaningful than to make money.

According to the United Nations Children's Fund, the International Labor Organization and other data pointed out that two-thirds of the world's children were guardian abuse. In India, more than 300,000 children are forced to engage in begging, and the world estimates that 250,000 children are forced to join forces. Now the rapid development of science and technology, but human rights can not keep up with their pace. She called on us to teach children to be polite and accomplished, and to teach them what human rights are, and that human rights can be practiced in life in order to create a peaceful coexistence and social life.


